
Establishing the Importance of Making Your Websites and Applications 更多的 Inclusive 


Web accessibility, or eAccessibility, is more important now than ever before. The World Wide Web is an essential part of everyday life for billions of people. 不幸的是, there are still many sites and tools that are not accessible for those with disabilities. 根据世界卫生组织, 世界上有超过10亿人患有某种形式的残疾. Making your website accessible for everyone, 不论残疾与否, can seem like a daunting task. However, designing your site with accessibility in mind is not only feasible but necessary. 在这份白皮书中, mg官方游戏中心将探讨什么是可访问性, 你可能面临的挑战, 以及为什么它很重要. 另外, we will discuss what we have done and provide an overview of the market and some interesting background statistics to help you understand how making changes to your website can benefit your business. 


As stated before, designing a website 或应用程序 for everyone can be difficult. 残疾有不同的形式, and each requires a different approach to ensure that web content is accessible. Some common types of disabilities that affect web accessibility include visual, 听力, 认知, 身体残疾, 以及对带宽和速度的社会经济限制. Over 1% of internet users have epilepsy, which can be triggered by flashing images on a website. 另外, 1 in 12 men are color blind, and 1 in 4 people have some form of disability. These statistics alone should be enough to convince anyone of the importance of web accessibility. 


Accessible web design means designing your website so that it is free from barriers that may prevent people with disabilities from accessing your content. 

Accessible design focuses on how a disabled person benefits from a site, 系统, 或应用程序, 无论用户如何访问网站或工具. It is crucial to consider accessibility throughout the development process to ensure that the end product is inclusive. 当网站和网络工具被正确设计和编码时, 残疾人可以无缝地使用它们. 通过遵循可访问性指南, 你扩大你的客户基础,包括所有潜在的客户. 

在MG游戏登录网页, we understand the importance of expanding the reach of your business to all potential customers, 不论残疾与否.

创建每个人都可以访问和使用的应用程序, 包括残疾人士, 是mg官方游戏中心的首要任务吗. Our team is dedicated to creating apps that are accessible for all by creating custom apps to increase accessibility. 另外, when we assumed responsibility f或应用程序s under the purview of a State Human Services Agency, we corrected and enhanced the usability and accessibility of not only the main portal, 还有其他支持组件. 

设计具有可访问性的网站和应用程序 in mind not only makes your content more inclusive but can also benefit your business. 世界上有超过10亿人患有某种形式的残疾, and it is our obligation as website and application developers to make sure we are creating inclusive and accessible tools for everyone. 通过同理心和理解, we can find the right solutions for the problems people experience.


in mind not only makes your content more inclusive, but can also benefit your business.


世界上都有某种形式的残疾, and it is our obligation as website and application developers to make sure we are creating inclusive and accessible tools for everyone.


we can find the right solutions for the problems people experience.

在MG游戏登录网页, we are dedicated to ensuring that all websites and applications we develop meet accessibility standards. 通过选择Moser咨询作为您的开发合作伙伴, you can rest assured that you are working with experts who understand the importance of accessibility and are committed to providing innovative solutions to tech problems.


请收听mg官方游戏中心关于App Services的播客!



马特·班尼特, Moser的应用服务副总裁, 解释什么是渐进式web应用程序, 它们是如何建造的, 以及使用它们相对于本地应用程序的优势.


Moser's VP of 应用程序服务 joins us this week to talk about App Development. mg官方游戏中心在Moser开发应用程序的过程, 它是如何开始的, 这个过程中的不同步骤, 你的影响力的重要性, 还有更多.

S5E5: 史蒂文Peavey和生成式人工智能

史蒂文Peavey, Moser's Director of Strategy for our 应用程序服务 Division joins us for today's episode. mg官方游戏中心将讨论生成式人工智能. Steven在Moser咨询公司工作了6年. 在成为董事之前, 他是一个开发者, 设计师, scrum master, 产品负责人, 项目经理.